The Federal Register officially published the FCC’s new rules governing net neutrality on Monday, April 13, 2015, and the new rules will take effect 60 days following the date of publication. As anticipated, AT&T and the wireless and cable industry...
Telecoms File Lawsuit Challenging Net Neutrality Rules by Alan Hearty

Wireless Carriers, Regulations, Cellular Networks, Litigation, Alan Hearty
U.S. Supreme Court Sides With Cell Tower Industry by Alan Hearty

In what is being hailed as a significant victory for the cell tower industry, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that local governments must provide reasons when they deny applications to build cell towers. This decision upholds the requirements of the...
SCOTUS Set To Decide On T-Mobile Cell Tower Case by Alan Hearty

Back in May, we highlighted a story where the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear T-Mobile’s case regarding how a city justifies its denial of a tower-setting permit. Well, the Court has heard the arguments and is set to announce its decision...