The City of Pacific Grove, California recently voted to allow the installation of a wireless cell phone tower behind a local high school. The city council voted 5-2 in favor of allowing the new wireless facility to be constructed. The approval comes...
Pacific Grove Votes to Allow Wireless Installation by Alan Hearty

Huawei Continues Seeking U.S. Market Access by Alan Hearty

Along with the technological advancements of wireless infrastructures come various challenges, especially with regards to competition and consumer protection. In particular, access to American markets by foreign companies carries with it a number of...
"FCC Addresses Emergency Alert Geotargeting" by Alan Hearty

In a previous blog post, we examined various trends regarding cell phone service during states of emergency. Specifically, one of the issues mentioned was that of Wireless Emergency Alerts, or WEA. The WEA system is a public safety tool that allows...
Carpenter v. U.S.: Limitations & Implications by Alan Hearty

Carpenter v. United States: Limitations and Implications
In June 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its long-anticipated opinion in Carpenter v. United States. There, the court held that a warrant is needed in order for police to access cell site...
FCC Proposal Aims to Facilitate Deployment of 5G Wireless Technology by Alan Hearty

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is taking steps to facilitate cheaper and faster 5G wireless technology deployments across the country. FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr announced a new plan to lead the world toward a 5G future. The plan...
Telecoms File Lawsuit Challenging Net Neutrality Rules by Alan Hearty

The Federal Register officially published the FCC’s new rules governing net neutrality on Monday, April 13, 2015, and the new rules will take effect 60 days following the date of publication. As anticipated, AT&T and the wireless and cable industry...
Wireless Carriers, Regulations, Cellular Networks, Litigation, Alan Hearty
Net Neutrality Applies to Cell Phone Networks by Alan Hearty

In February, the FCC enacted new rules governing network neutrality that could have a profound influence on the telecommunications industry. The FCC’s new rules will extend its current purview and will encompass cell networks in addition to fixed...
U.S. Supreme Court Sides With Cell Tower Industry by Alan Hearty

In what is being hailed as a significant victory for the cell tower industry, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that local governments must provide reasons when they deny applications to build cell towers. This decision upholds the requirements of the...
SCOTUS Set To Decide On T-Mobile Cell Tower Case by Alan Hearty

Back in May, we highlighted a story where the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear T-Mobile’s case regarding how a city justifies its denial of a tower-setting permit. Well, the Court has heard the arguments and is set to announce its decision...
Nokia SAC Wireless Acquisition Increases U.S. Business by Alan Hearty

Nokia has acquired indoor wireless specialist SAC Wireless to help boost its network deployment business and wireless network infrastructure in the U.S. SAC Wireless specializes in deploying small cells and using antenna systems to improve wireless...